When is the next Finley Show? The next Finley Show will be held Sunday, 1 September 2024.
How much is gate admission? Adults - $15.00 Aged Pension (must present card) - $10.00 Children (6-17 years) - $5.00 Children (under 6 years) – FREE Family (2 adults & children under 17 years) - $40.00 Those attending events on Saturday are covered for both days.
When do gates open? Gates open 8:00am Saturday for pre-Show events, with gates opening at 6:00am on Show Day.
How do I enter in the Show? Entering is easy, and we've outlined everything you need know on the annual show page. It's super important that you read the schedule carefully, as it contains all the information you need to know. if you still need a little help, pop into the Show Office and we'll be happy to give you a hand!
When do entries and exhibits need to be in by? Have you carefully read your schedule? Because each section outlines when entries and exhibits need to be in by. Remember that NO late entries will be accepted.
When does the Show Office open? The Show Office at the Showgrounds is open from Tuesday prior to the Show. Open from 10:00am – 4:00pm.
Do You Have Eftpos? Eftpos will be available in the Show Office in the week leading up to the Show, and then at the gate on Show Day. You will NOT be able to withdraw cash.
Are there ATM facilities? There are no ATM facilities at the Showgrounds, however you will find a NAB ATM in Murray Street, Finley.
Are there bar facilities? There is bar facilities at the Show. The bar will open at 1:00pm and close at 6:00pm.
Can I come with a trade site? We do offer stallholder sties for those with small businesses or hobbies. Head over to the Commercial Trade Site page to learn more and fill out an Expressions of Interest form.
What rides will be at the Show? We have no control over what rides come to our Show - it all depends on the Showman's Guild circuit and who is available to attend that weekend.
Are dogs allowed at the Show? Dog are NOT allowed on the showgrounds for the duration of the event. The exception being Assistance Dogs and those competing in dog events.
I still have questions! If you still have unanswered questions after looking through the schedule and looking at this page, then get in touch! Shoot us an email, slide into out DMs or go the traditional route and give us a call.
OFFICE BEARERS: President: Kevin Sexton Vice Presidents: Matt Mueller & Lauren Clarke Secretary: Breanne Cleve Assistant Secretary: Carol Kennedy Treasurer: Scott Watkins